16 km/h
Maximum Speed
14 km (C2 PRO)/8 km (C2)
Range at Max.Speed
3 Riding
Recommended Height
C2 PRO: 115-170 cm
C2: 120-160cm
7-inch Inner Hollow Tyres
Adjustable Handlebar
Heights (C2 PRO)
Integrated Bluetooth
Speaker (C2 PRO)
Ambient Lights Under
Unbox Gifts That Delight
Kick Start with Your C2 Lite
The C2 lite eKickScooter adopts a 130W powerful brushless motor allowing kids the necessary force to speed up to 16km/h and ride freely. Thanks to the battery capacity, your child can enjoy the fun alone or with his/her friends in a radius of up to 9km !
Range at Max.Speed [1]
Run Time [2]
[1] Range at Max.Speed: Tested while riding with a full battery, 30 kg (66 lbs) load, 77 ± 41 °F (25 ±5°C), at the max. speed of each speed mode on average on pavement.[2] Time of continuous use tested while riding with a full battery, 30 kg (66 lbs), 77 (25°C), at the maximum speed of Standard Mode on average on pavement.Some of the factors that affect range include speed, number of starts and stops, ambient temperature, etc.